Friday, June 21, 2013

How do you follow blogs?

With the imminent demise of Google Reader, which I had used for the past I-don't-even-know-how-many years, I've been giving a lot of thought to how people follow blogs and how they find out about new updates on blogs they enjoy reading - and, of course, how I can make it easier for readers of my blog to see my latest posts (which is why I finally gave in and made a facebook page for YumVeggieBurger).

I loved Google Reader, but I don't know how many other people used it (I guess not enough?) At first I was nervous about finding a replacement for it, but I've been trying out Feedly for the past month or so, and now I'm completely converted. I actually like it better than Google Reader in some ways, which surprised me.

But I'm curious - how do you follow your favorite blogs? 
RSS feeds?

Any other options I've missed?


  1. I've started using Bloglovin' even though I hate the name of it! I literally just started last week, I was hanging onto Google Reader for as long as I could. I love it so far!

    1. I've heard a few other people recommend that one too!

  2. I'm a heavy Google Reader user, and plan to migrate to Feedly or one of the almost-Reader type RSS readers within a week for most of my blogs. However, I also use Twitter a lot now, and I've found most of your most recent articles when you Tweet about them. :)

    1. At first I thought having a blog AND a twitter AND a facebook account would be overkill - but then I realized that even though some people might use all three, there are others who have never used an RSS reader in their life, and only use facebook or only use twitter. So I figure people will choose whichever one they prefer, if they want to follow my blog, and will forgive me for the cross-posting if they happen to see it on all three feeds ;)

  3. For news reading, you can also use

    It's a free web app that allows you to select which websites contents to keep up with.
